Self-Publishing Services

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Services we offer


Join a phone call with a self-publishing expert. I will assess your progress on your manuscript, recommend services I offer, and walk you through the entire process of how we’ll get your dream project published. No initial financial commitment necessary. Schedule an appointment through the website.

My Basic Services Package includes one unique ISBN, and my service that gets your book online for sale within a couple of weeks. (Book cover, formatting, and additional ISBNs not included). If you don’t have a book cover or your manuscript is unformatted, no problem. I also provide those services.

My Formatting Service will make your manuscript look professional on both eBook and/or print editions. With one purchase I’ll include both formats as a thank you.

I use advanced graphic design software to design your book cover for you. Just tell me how you want it to look and we’ll deliver. Plus, we’ll automatically format it for eBook and print editions.

*Note: hiring an outside book cover design specialist is recommended for best results.

Reserve an appointment

Start by booking a free phone call appointment with our self-publishing expert. They’ll assess the progress of your manuscript, walk you through the services we provide, and answer any questions you may have about what we do.


At Long Books we understand how daunting a task it is to publish your own work. There are so many unknown factors and obstacles that seem insurmountable. But we believe that everyone who wants to publish their work should be given the opportunity. Our experts at Long Books will work with you to get your dream project out of your word processor and into you and your readers’ hands as smoothly as possible with no headaches. We are authors ourselves and we have been in your exact shoes stressing about how the heck we can make our project a reality. We’ve done the heavy lifting for you to make sure your book is published exactly how you want it.